How Google search engine works-2019

How Google search engine works:

Today we are going to discuss Google and how it works, So friends lets start, How Google search engine works its start with How Google's ranking and website evaluation process works? starting with the crawling and analysis of a site, crawling timelines, frequencies, priorities, indexing, and filtering processes within the databases, How the Google infrastructure works?, how it all fits together, how Google crawling and indexing and serving pipeline works.

What happens when you do a web search?

 The first thing to understand is that when you do a Google search you aren't actually searching the web you're searching Google's index of the web or at least as much of it as we can find. Google does this with software programs called spiders, spiders start by fetching a few web pages then they follow the links on those pages and fetch the pages they point to and follow all the links on those pages and fetch the pages they link to and so on until we've indexed a pretty big chunk of the web many billions of pages stored across thousands of machines. Now suppose I want to know how fast a cheetah can run? I type in my search say cheetah running speed and hit enter, return Google software searches our index to find every page that includes those search terms in this case there are hundreds of thousands of possible results has Google decide which few documents I really want by asking questions more than 200 of them like how many times does this page contain your keywords do the words appear in the title and the URL directly adjacent does the page include synonyms for those words is this page from a quality website or is it low quality even spammy. The result shown by the page rank, that rates a web pages importance by looking at how many (Backlinks) outside links point to it and how important those links are finally Google combine all those factors together to produce each page overall score and send you back your search results about half a second after you submit your search at Google.

What is Index?

Let's take a simple question. "How long does it take to travel to Mars?" Where did these results come from and why was this listed before the other one? Okay, let's dive in and see how the search engine turned your request into a result. The first thing you need to know is when you do a search, the search engine isn't actually going out to the World Wide Web to run your search in real time. That's because there are over a billion websites on the internet and hundreds more being created every single minute, so if the search engine had to look through every single site to find the one you wanted, it would just take forever. So to make your search faster, search engines are constantly scanning the web in advance to record the information that might help with your search later. That way when you search about "travel to Mars" the search engine already has what it needs to give you an answer in real time. Here's how it works: The internet is a web of pages connected to each other by hyperlinks. Search engines are constantly running a program called "spider" that crawls through these web pages to collect information about them.Each time it finds a hyperlink, it follows it until it has visited every page it can find on the entire internet. For each page of the spider visits, it records any information it might need for a search by adding it to a special database called a search index.

How the search engine came up with the results:

When you ask "how long does it take to travel to Mars", the search engine looks each of those words in the search index to immediately get a list of all the pages on the internet containing those words, but just looking for these search terms could return millions of pages so the search engine needs to be able to determine the best matches to show you first. This is where it gets tricky because the search engine may need to guess what you're looking for. Each search engine uses its own algorithm to rank the pages based on what it thinks you want. The search engine's ranking algorithm might check if your search term shows up in the page title, it might check if all of the words show up next to each other, or any number of other calculations that helped it better determine which pages you'll want to see and which you won't. Google invented the most famous algorithm for choosing the most relevant results for a search, by taking into account how many other web pages link to a given page. The idea is that if lots of websites think that a web page is interesting, then it's probably the one you're looking for. This algorithm was called "Page Rank", Search engines regularly update their algorithms to prevent fake or untrustworthy sites from reaching the top. Ultimately, it's up to you to keep an eye out for these pages that are untrustworthy by looking at the web address and making sure it's a reliable source. Search programs are always evolving to improve the algorithms so the return better results, faster results than their competitors. Today's search engines even use information that you haven't explicitly provided to help you narrow down your search. Modern Google search engines also understand more than just the words on a page, but what they actually mean in order to find the best one that matches what you're looking for. For example, if you search for a "fast pitcher" it will know you're looking for an athlete, but if you search for "large pitcher" it will find your options for your kitchen. To understand the words better, we use something called machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence. It enables search algorithms to search not just individual letters or words in the page, but understand the underlying meaning of the words. The internet is growing exponentially. Basically, the search result came out according to their pages backlinks and keyword in the title and their post. If their post is repeating the particular word many times then Google thinks the page is containing real information and then Google Rank the page.

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